I SO understand this. If anyone’s been burned by online software purchases, it’s me. Since I run a software engineering business, I’m always checking out what other companies are putting out.
I probably don’t have to tell you this, but frankly, most of it is utter shit. And for the products that aren’t shit, many of them have shit for support.
So yeah, I get it. And this is where Tier5 and Friend Connector are different.
At Tier5, we aren’t some fly-by-night guys who use random code jockeys we find on Upwork or Fiverr. We have been in business for over 5 years, with over 50 full time genius software developers. I know what buyers like you go through when you get left high and dry on an app you depend on. Tier5 is a service-minded company dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs like you with powerful technology, so you can succeed and pursue your passions. Our success comes from YOUR success.
We work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to keep Friend Connector (and all our apps) updated. That includes making sure that Friend Connector works with all the the changes Facebook is making to their UI. We also provide full support, with live chat support. And we are not going anywhere, we are a long-range company.
Also, we don’t play the “buy it and ask for a refund if you don’t like it” game. Software companies do that because they KNOW they will get refund requests. Why do they know that? Your guess is probably correct. Instead, we give you a 7-day free trial so you can try BEFORE you buy. We’re confident once you see what Friend Connector can do, and how easy it is to do it, and how you can live your frickin’ life while Friend Connector is doing your hard work (and doing it better than you could’ve done it yourself), you’ll want to continue month in and month out.